Roof has been shingled windows are in and we can proceed with the rest of the finishing. One thing we realized when the fall rains hit was that our "goat trail" was not sufficient to be able to drive on in wet weather. This October we got 188mm of rain which was exessive even for us. As an example in october 2013 we had 25mm. This made shingling a little difficult but we got got it done. As for the road, we had about 400 feet of muck to get from the paved road to the house. Its nice and straight through pasture land and all summer, which was very dry this year, we had no problem getting to the house with heavy trucks etc. Once the rains hit it was a different story. I was tempted to throw down some gravel to get us through but decided we should do it right the first time. I got the excavator in and we scraped out the topsoil from where the road would be. In some spots we had to dig down 18 inches to find a clay layer. We then trucked in a road base consisting of rocks twice the size of your head and then put a top coat of 3 inch road base over that, We still have the topsoil piles next to the road but we will certainly find places to use that up this spring. Nice road. No slipping and spinning out anymore. The roof is done the road is in. Bring on the rains.
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